Friday, March 14, 2025

January 2021

  • January 13, 2021

    SBA releases technical information for PPP system

    The SBA released technical information tonight that lenders will need to access the updated Paycheck Protection Program loan portal system. The portal opens Monday but only for “community financial institutions,” which mean CDFIs, MDIs, certified development companies and microloan intermediaries. The first part released tonight contains information regarding API technical information. The second part is the SBA Paycheck Protection Platform …

  • January 12, 2021

    Week of Jan. 11

    In This Issue… SBA releases technical information for PPP system Common questions answered about PPP reopening OBA education corner … SBA releases technical information for PPP system The SBA released technical information tonight that lenders will need to access the updated Paycheck Protection Program loan portal system. The portal opens Monday but only for “community financial institutions,” which mean CDFIs, …

  • January 11, 2021

    Executive News: Well … now what?

    The result of the presidential election a couple of months ago has now been certified by the U.S. Senate, Vice President Mike Pence presiding. Joe Biden is now, officially, the president-elect. But it didn’t come easy. As every banker and probably e very bank customer knows by now, our nation withstood an assault on the sacred grounds of the U.S. …

  • January 11, 2021

    Adrian Beverage named successor to OBA president/CEO

    The Oklahoma Bankers Association announced Thursday that, after a nationwide executive search, Adrian Beverage has been chosen as its next president and CEO, effective May 1, 2021. “With our partners at Schnake Turnbo Frank, our 10-member succession committee conducted an objective, dynamic process to select the next president and CEO of the OBA,” said Rick Walker, chairman of the OBA …

  • January 11, 2021

    COVID relief package passes; latest PPP round underway

    In late December, shortly before the holiday season began, Congress cast final votes to pass the $900 billion bipartisan coronavirus relief package. Shortly afterward, the bill was signed by President Trump and put into action. The bill did include more funds for a new round of the Paycheck Protection Program, and that round is currently underway as this issue of …

  • January 5, 2021

    Nondeductible portion of OBA dues calculated


    The calculation representing the nondeductible portion of member dues attributable to lobbying expenditures has been made for the OBA’s year ending April 30, 2020.

December 2020

  • December 29, 2020

    Week of Dec. 28

    In This Issue… Banks should expect stimulus payments to hit customers’ accounts soon Dates changed for 2021 OBA Senior Management Forum OBA holiday hours updated OBA education corner … Banks should expect stimulus payments to hit customers’ accounts soon ACH transactions for the economic impact payments are expected to begin as soon as today. More than 100 million files are …

  • December 29, 2020

    2021 OBA Senior Management Forum changes dates

    The 2021 Senior Management Forum dates have changed. The Forum will now be held June 20-22, at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Keep an eye out for more information on this in the coming months! Contact the OBA education department with any questions about the Forum.

  • December 22, 2020

    December 2020 OBA Legal Briefs

    Systemic overdraft problems Resolving escrow shortages and deficiencies An update on the Payday Lending Rule Systemic overdraft problems By Andy Zavoina Let’s talk “politically correct” and separate that from what is legally correct. The former term is used loosely to mean generally accepted by the vocal public, which in this case includes those tired of what they may view as …

  • December 11, 2020

    Executive News: Christmas joy … especially this year

    Each December, I write this column to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas. In the past I’ve also used this opportunity to summarize what we’ve been doing for the past year. I’ve also written this column to demonstrate the value of your bank’s OBA membership, and that’s been especially true this year. Working in tandem with my colleagues …