Saturday, July 27, 2024

March 2020

  • March 20, 2020

    OBA live events and seminars canceled or postponed through April 10

    To ensure the health and safety of all those involved, OBA live events and seminars scheduled through April 10 are either canceled or postponed in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Webinars on a variety of topics to meet your training and continuing education needs are available on the events calendar.

  • March 17, 2020

    Week of March 16

    In This Issue… OBA to host conference call regarding coronavirus All OBA events canceled or postponed through April 10 ABA to host free webinar on pandemic operational risk AARP Oklahoma provides resource for consumer protection Nominations open for OBA first vice chairman Interested in leading our Emerging Leaders? OBA 2021 Views & Vistas Photo Contest deadline approaching OBA education corner …

  • March 15, 2020

    GSB-Madison hosting COVID19 workplace issues webinar

    We’re all aware of the concern around the coronavirus – and the common-sense recommendations by public health officials around hand washing and staying home when sick that are as ubiquitous as they are important. Certainly, with increased testing nationwide, the number of confirmed cases will continue to rise. What does this mean for your bank? GSB-Madison has put together a …

  • March 11, 2020

    Executive News: Credit unions – Enough is enough already

    Over the years, many of you have heard me talk about credit unions and their growing presence both in Oklahoma and across the nation. And every time I see a commercial for Navy Federal Credit Union, I want to barf. What are we, 1,500 miles away from an ocean? Isn’t that where one would expect to find our “navy” and …

  • March 11, 2020

    Nominations open for OBA Board

    Pursuant to Section 5.4 of the bylaws of the Oklahoma Bankers Association, this will serve as official notice of the process of selecting members of the board of directors of the Association. There are six board nominating committees, each of which will select a banker to replace the board member whose term on the OBA’s board will expire at the …

  • March 10, 2020

    Week of March 9

    In This Issue… All OBA events currently remain on schedule OBA coronavirus webpage gives up-to-date information Nominations open for OBA first vice chairman Interested in leading our Emerging Leaders? OBA education corner …

  • March 3, 2020

    Week of March 2

    In This Issue… OBA creates coronavirus information page for member banks OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs start next week Having compliance issues? How about trying virtual compliance officer? Interested in leading our Emerging Leaders Alliance members demand action by Crapo, Brown Employee benefits survey participation ending soon OBA education corner …

February 2020

  • February 28, 2020

    Interested in leading our Emerging Leaders?

    The OBA is looking for bankers interested in serving as chairperson of the Emerging Leaders Division. Any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or have previously graduated from an OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or OBA Leadership Academy are eligible for the position. The Emerging Leaders chair will serve a two-year term and will work …

  • February 25, 2020

    Week of Feb. 25

    In This Issue… FDIC releases 2019 results Review your bank’s information for OBA Directory Coronavirus guidance issued New employee benefits survey readied S.2563 faces uphill slog on BSA/AML issues OBA education corner …

  • February 21, 2020

    Executive News: Looking at the Alliance

    One of the things many of you have heard me talk about over the last five years or so deals with the Alliance between and among the 51 state bankers associations across the country and the ABA. The alliance is of immeasurable value to the commercial banking industry, but it wasn’t always so. When I first arrived at the OBA …