Thursday, March 13, 2025

May 2020

  • May 13, 2020

    GSB freeze fees

    OPPORTUNITY TO FREEZE FEES AMID STRONG DEMAND FOR NEXT GSB SESSION   Madison, Wis. — As recently as March, enrollment in the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was running at a 10-year high. Then, just weeks later, the 2020 session was cancelled due to circumstances around the pandemic. Students who’d previously enrolled were moved to the …

  • May 13, 2020

    SBA announces Safe Harbor for PPP borrowers with loans of less than $2 million

    The following comes courtesy the American Bankers Association: Following the recent announcement that the Small Business Administration would review any Paycheck Protection Program loans made in amounts exceeding $2 million, the agency today issued guidance extending an automatic safe harbor to borrowers receiving PPP loans with an original principal amount of less than $2 million. These borrowers “will be deemed …

  • May 13, 2020

    SBA announces Safe Harbor for PPP borrowers with loans for less than $2 million

    The following comes courtesy the American Bankers Association: Following the recent announcement that the Small Business Administration would review any Paycheck Protection Program loans made in amounts exceeding $2 million, the agency today issued guidance extending an automatic safe harbor to borrowers receiving PPP loans with an original principal amount of less than $2 million. These borrowers “will be deemed …

  • May 12, 2020

    Week of May 11

    In This Issue… OBA Annual Business Meeting set for May 19 EID loans now available to ag businesses affected by COVID-19 pandemic Information available detailing COVID-19-related frauds Thompson confirmed for eighth term as Oklahoma bank commissioner Check out OBA’s Strategic Members COVID-19 Resource page OBA education corner …

  • May 11, 2020

    PSAs on PPP available for local radio stations

    Entering the weekend, the OBA sent out a news release to a number of Oklahoma radio stations, urging them to run enclosed public service announcements related to the Paycheck Protection Program.. We encourage our banks to send the news release to their own local radio stations as well, to increase the possibility of them being aired. If you have any …

  • May 3, 2020

    Oklahoma banks continue pouring loans toward small businesses via Paycheck Protection Program

    Oklahoma banks have worked around the clock since the second round of the Paycheck Protection Program was opened early last week, helping disburse MILLIONS of dollars and TENS OF THOUSANDS of loans to the state’s small businesses. According to the Department of the Treasury, Oklahoma banks, as of Tuesday, had already funded 20,919 loans worth more than $877 million in …

April 2020

  • April 29, 2020

    SBA to reserve time for lenders with fewer than $1 billion assets today; also highlights new PPP interim rule, changes to Connect Portal

    The following comes courtesy the American Bankers Association: The Small Business Administration announced this afternoon it will reserve an eight-hour block of time for lenders with fewer than $1 billion in assets to submit Paycheck Protection Program loan applications to SBA. This window will run from 3 p.m. CDT through 10:59 p.m. CDT today. In a message to lenders, SBA …

  • April 29, 2020

    SBA clarifies PPP’s 10-day disbursement window, fee payments

    The Small Business Administration last night issued an interim final rule providing clarity on the 10-day loan disbursement requirement under the Paycheck Protection Program, as well as the filing required to receive the lender processing fee. ‌Moving forward, lenders must make a full, one-time disbursement of PPP loan funds within 10 calendar days of the loan being approved—that is, when …

  • April 26, 2020

    SBA announces measures aimed at smoothing operations ahead of PPP restart

    Breaking news from the ABA: With the U.S. Small Business Administration expecting a high volume of Paycheck Protection Program loan applications when the E-Tran system reopens at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, SBA today notified lenders of several steps it will take to ensure the smooth operation of the program, including pacing the number of loans processed once the system reopens. Acknowledging …

  • April 25, 2020

    OBA President/CEO Roger Beverage addresses concern for the PPP

    MEMORANDUM TO: All OBA Chairmen, Presidents, CEOs and CFOs RE: Good Faith Certification Good afternoon: Some additional guidance was released by the Treasury Department this week, and I found it very troubling. Here’s why. Question #31 was added to the Treasury’s list of FAQs last Thursday. You may recall that there has been some controversy about whether large organizations, like …