Tuesday, July 16, 2024

OBA News

The Latest

May 2022

  • May 27, 2022

    FDIC: Banking environment improved last year

    The FDIC released its annual risk review late last week, and pointed out the banking environment improved in 2021 as the economy recovered from a period of economic hardship the year prior. The agency noted financial market conditions “were generally supportive of the economy and banking industry” throughout 2021, though they began to deteriorate with the onset of the Russian …

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  • May 24, 2022

    Check out our 2022 OBA Convention opening video!

    Did you miss our 2022 OBA Convention last week? Well, if so, we missed YOU! We had a grand time celebrating that decade of decadence, the 1980s – or, as we coined it, the OB80s! Here’s a little sneak peek at some of the fun we had — our convention opening video. Look closely, and you’ll see the video features: …

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  • May 12, 2022

    Fed: Banking system remains strong

    The banking system remained strong overall, with robust capital and liquidity and improved asset quality in the second half of 2021, according to the Federal Reserve’s latest supervision and regulation report released in early May. The Fed said that risk monitoring will continue for potential effects of the pandemic and new geopolitical risks, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The banking …

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April 2022

  • April 29, 2022

    ABA president/CEO calls CFPB “regulator going rogue”

    A recent American Banker op-ed by ABA president and CEO Rob Nichols criticized CFPB director Rohit Chopra’s controversial practices that have failed to put consumer interests at the forefront of the bureau’s actions. In the op-ed, Nichols addressed the way Chopra lumps certain consumer fees and how it has updated its exam manual in a way that elevates decision-making to …

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Jeremy Cowen

Jeremy Cowen, Senior Vice President/Communications

Email: jeremy@oba.com      |      Phone: Ext. 113

Jeremy has been in charge of the Oklahoma Banker newspaper as well as the OBA website and other member communications since joining the OBA in January 2002. A native of Hartshorne and a 1997 graduate of the University of Oklahoma, he enjoys meeting and talking with the different people he encounters while doing his job. Previously, Jeremy worked as a sports writer in Lawton and, for the four years prior to joining the OBA, Lubbock, Texas, where he decided the town wasn’t big enough for both him and Bobby Knight. When not working, Jeremy loves to hike, read, watch football, baseball and boxing and teach journalism to high school and college students. And, if you ask, there’s a good chance he will regale you with the story about being interviewed on ESPN by Chris Fowler.