Tuesday, July 16, 2024

OBA News

The Latest

September 2021

  • September 16, 2021

    235,000 Jobs Added in August, Unemployment Rate at 5.2%

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 235,000 in August. In August, the total number of unemployed people fell to 8.4 million, and the unemployment rate fell to 5.2%. Professional and business services, transportation and warehousing, private education and manufacturing accounted for the majority of employment growth in August. To read this story in its …

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  • September 3, 2021

    Advisory released on ransomware, wire fraud awareness for holidays, weekends

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency recently released a Joint Cybersecurity Advisory, urging businesses to defend themselves from ransomware threats during the holidays and weekends when most businesses are closed. Ransomware attacks and wire fraud with a high impact are most likely to occur just before holidays and weekends. Bankers should encourage their coworkers …

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August 2021

  • August 27, 2021

    Survey Reveals Changes in Sales, Revenue, Capital Spending

    According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, the results of the Services Survey reflect changes in a variety of activity indicators, including sales, revenue, employment, and capital spending, as well as changes in input material and selling prices. Longer-term trends can be traced using the accumulated data. To read this article in its entirety from the Federal Reserve …

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  • August 20, 2021

    Sudden Decrease in Satisfied Credit Card Users

    Client satisfaction with credit card issuers fell this year as issuers attempted to accommodate customers’ demands amid ongoing economic uncertainty, according to the J.D. Power 2021 Credit Card Satisfaction Study. Satisfaction with national issuers has dropped considerably, down from 811 to 805 on a scale of 1,000.  As a result, credit card issuers are searching for the causes of this …

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  • August 13, 2021

    Results compiled from OBA vaccine survey

    The OBA sent out last week a short survey about the COVID vaccine and whether our member banks have, or plan to have, a mandate for their employees. We wanted to share the results of the non-scientific survey with our members. Here are the results: (answers | percentage of total answers) Q1: Does your bank have a COVID vaccine mandate …

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Jeremy Cowen

Jeremy Cowen, Senior Vice President/Communications

Email: jeremy@oba.com      |      Phone: Ext. 113

Jeremy has been in charge of the Oklahoma Banker newspaper as well as the OBA website and other member communications since joining the OBA in January 2002. A native of Hartshorne and a 1997 graduate of the University of Oklahoma, he enjoys meeting and talking with the different people he encounters while doing his job. Previously, Jeremy worked as a sports writer in Lawton and, for the four years prior to joining the OBA, Lubbock, Texas, where he decided the town wasn’t big enough for both him and Bobby Knight. When not working, Jeremy loves to hike, read, watch football, baseball and boxing and teach journalism to high school and college students. And, if you ask, there’s a good chance he will regale you with the story about being interviewed on ESPN by Chris Fowler.