OBA News

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November 2017

  • November 27, 2017

    CFPB Director Cordray leaving position

    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray announced today he will be leaving his position, effective by the end of this month. Cordray, the first director of the CFPB, is thought to be considering a bid as governor of his home state of Ohio in next year’s election, although he has not confirmed this nor launched an official campaign. He …

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  • November 27, 2017

    Senate Banking Committee reaches tentative compromise on reg relief

    On Nov. 13, members of the Senate Banking Committee unveiled a proposed compromise on regulatory relief for community banks, according to OBA President Roger Beverage. “It’s not everything we wanted,” Beverage said. “I still want to see if this is the final ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ version or if we can add some tweaks. “The most obvious omission is that it doesn’t talk …

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  • November 27, 2017

    Bad news: Crapo/Brown negotiations fail

    We have now confirmed the ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), has walked away from the negotiations with Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) on a proposed package for regulatory relief aimed at community banks. He did so in spite of his public statements some three weeks ago that progress was being made on a compromise, bipartisan …

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October 2017

  • October 17, 2017

    Open letter to Congress, Oklahoma delegation, from Oklahoma banker

    I was recently in D.C. with 70 fellow bankers. During our visit, Rep. Lucas took time out of his busy schedule to meet with us for a few minutes. His dedication is greatly appreciated. During our visit, a hot topic was tax reform. As I understand it, the bill would have an easier road if it were revenue neutral. I …

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  • October 13, 2017

    OBA Washington Visit featured by State Banking Department

    OSBD Inbox

    The recent OBA Annual Washington Visit was highlighted in the Oklahoma State Banking Department’s monthly newsletter for October. The newsletter mentioned our Oklahoma bankers made a “powerful statement with record attendance” during the Visit, and also pointed out how several OBA Emerging Leaders made the trip. Oklahoma State Banking Commissioner Mick Thompson joined the more than five dozen bankers on the annual …

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Jeremy Cowen

Jeremy Cowen, Senior Vice President/Communications

Email: jeremy@oba.com      |      Phone: Ext. 113

Jeremy has been in charge of the Oklahoma Banker newspaper as well as the OBA website and other member communications since joining the OBA in January 2002. A native of Hartshorne and a 1997 graduate of the University of Oklahoma, he enjoys meeting and talking with the different people he encounters while doing his job. Previously, Jeremy worked as a sports writer in Lawton and, for the four years prior to joining the OBA, Lubbock, Texas, where he decided the town wasn’t big enough for both him and Bobby Knight. When not working, Jeremy loves to hike, read, watch football, baseball and boxing and teach journalism to high school and college students. And, if you ask, there’s a good chance he will regale you with the story about being interviewed on ESPN by Chris Fowler.